Why Following a Restrictive Calorie Diet Long Term May be Sabotaging Weight LossThe weight loss messages out there is that calories need to be restricted in order to lose weight. I have seen many people, especially…Jan 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021
Ditching Food Rules and Living your Healthiest and Best LifeBy: Tedi Nikova, BASc, MPH ( c )Sep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020
Optimizing Nutrition and Training Based on Your Menstrual CycleBy: Tedi Nikova BASc, MPH ( c )Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020
Are Artificial Sweeteners Making Us Gain Weight?By: Tedi Nikova BASc, MPH ( c )Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020
How to Create a Satisfying and Nutritious Meal(Using Harvard Medical School Healthy Eating Plate model)May 13, 2020May 13, 2020
Top Tips for Weight Loss and Weight ManagementBy: Tedi Nikova, BASc, MPH ( c )Apr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020